
A podcast about the human stories hidden within the classified ads

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"It’s really satisfying to cross paths with a stranger at the intersection of getting rid of something and needing something."

"It’s really satisfying to cross paths with a stranger at the intersection of getting rid of something and needing something."

-Shira, Craigslist Curio host, USPS fanatic, and avid frog-watcher


"Each post has some combination of brevity, sincerity, and urgency that is totally captivating, like reading someone’s unfinished poetry."

-Libby, Craigslist Curio host, ex-mime, and rescue dog enthusiast


Every once in a while, we stumble upon posts that ring of intrigue, mystery, and (in some cases) suspicion. Every once in a while, it feels like there’s a bigger story behind the post...leaving us with more questions than answers, and a determination to learn more. 

On this show we set out to talk to strangers, investigate stories, and learn a little more about the weird, fascinating world around us.




BONUS: Love is in the Ads

Craigslist love: True tales that take us to the moment when it all clicked.

Listen In (spin-off series)

Grab your headphones and come along with Libby and Shira for a new type of adventure: music, mischief, and more.


We set out to deliver a DVD copy of a Lifetime TV movie. In return, we receive a lifetime’s worth of tales.


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