support the show

Thank you very much for giving us your support, whether it's through listening or liquid assets. If you do choose to donate, we'll use your contribution to follow all kinds of curious stories from Craigslist...which is a super rad thing to support.

There are several ways to contribute:


This is the old standby. Give us your cold, hard cash so we can keep chasing stories. 

Strapped for cash? Get notified next time we’re on the lookout for volunteers to read ads for use on the show.

Deliver something to us that you want to sell on Craigslist, and we'll do the work (and hang on to the resulting dollar bills).


You’re gonna like the way you look…we guarantee it. Up your game with official Craigslist Curio merch.

Rate and review Craigslsit Curio on iTunes to help increase our show’s discoverability. We truly value your honest feedback!

Dedicate your own Craigslist "for sale" post to the show, and send us some of the proceeds! Publicity + cash = more podcast.



Not only will your donations support the creation of Craigslist Curio, but you'll also be providing a hungry froggy bank with a well deserved meal.